Here we are on day three and we are pretty close to being on schedule. I think we finished half of the tops and are close to being done with the rest of them. This was the day that we needed to accomplish the most. Everyone in these photos was hard at work on the machines. One of the adult helpers is in the background on the left.

This was the end of the day after everyone had gone. We are fortunate to be able to leave everything as it is and lock the door and walk away, knowing it will be undisturbed until morning.
This quilt top on the left was the first one to be finished. This was made by the only boy in the group. He was with us 2 years ago and he finished first then too
These next photos below show some of the completed tops.
Most of them are face down on the quilt backs and ready to be sewn around the edges. We will be layering the quilts and sewing around the edges and turning them. We will also tie them instead of quilting. Past experience has shown us that machine quilting and binding are too ambitious a project for our time constraints with new quilters, some who have never used a machine before.
These last two quilt tops on the left are almost finished. There always issues with some of the machines and that puts some of the kids behind. Of course there is always some frog stitching and doing over that slows them down.