A week ago I made this 15 inch little table topper centerpiece. I also made up some block kits to make 12 inch fall blocks in case we had any new quilters come to our quilt meeting at church. The block kits can sit in the closet and be ready and waiting but I am going to quilt this sample and finish it and give it to my daughter. I made a table runner with the same fabric and give it to her and she has it on her coffee table. This will look good on another table. The orange is a really nice, kind of bright burnt orange, even though it looks not so great here.

They took down a print that they had above the sofa and hung this quilt that I gave her recently. It all goes together very well.This was a busy week in spite of not feeling up to par. I have had a couple of rounds of vertigo and between that and a very productive cold, I stayed home most of the week. In between wiping and blowing my nose and times when I felt like I was going to "hit the deck", I felt fairly decent at times and got a lot of stuff done. There is
something good about not being able to go out and run around everywhere. I use the term "run" loosely, I
don't run!
I spent the week going through everything in my sewing room. Jack put my shelf back up and moved the telephone to my desk where I can't miss the flashing light on the answering machine. I finished my Gigi's room banner and will hang it above my desk when I feel it is safe to get up on a ladder.
I sorted squares that I had cut into various sizes from scraps a few years ago. I am giving Betty all of my 2 1/2 inch squares as I know I will never use them. I am also giving her a bag of odds and ends. I am hoping this does not end our friendship. I sorted squares and rectangles for Donna Poster Scrap blocks and for triple 4 patch blocks. I know I will make those scrap blocks. I am keeping 3 and 3 1/2 inch squares to make prairie points. I recently decided not to put prairie points on something because I just couldn't face cutting all those squares and I found enough to make PP's for 2 or more quilts.
I consolidated and got rid of stuff and I have emptied 6 mailing boxes about the size that will hold a single 2 inch stack of printer paper and also 4 boxes 5 inches x 5 inches and 12 inches long.
There are two 10 x 15 plastic boxes with lids left over and also some empty spaces on my shelves.
I only have a few more things to put away and then I will set up my space for machine quilting and I will be going into a finishing frenzy. I may wait until tomorrow though for the frenzy.