It seems like everything I do leads me to something else. I finally got around to putting all my Christmas quilts away. I thought I should get it done before Easter. They have been sitting in a stack since January. well that lead me to cleaning, decluttering and rearranging my linen closet. It took two days (I rested a lot). I have plans for the hall closet but that is on hold; enough is enough and anything more than that is
too much when it comes to closet cleaning.
But one thing does lead to another. When I was working on this
and this was on the design wall just below my blocks.
I put the little panel in the middle
and I thought about this.
Some time back Kathy and Syd instructed our basement group, at our monthly meeting, in making Bargello Graphix quilts from Jason Yenter's pattern. Everyone else was making something like this floral quilt of Fran's below but I didn't want to make something large and I had the Alexander Henry fabric "All That Jazz". I had been thinking about what to do with it for a long time and this above is what I made; it is 35 x 36 inches. It is what I am going to do with the African ladies motifs using the pallet from my scrappy trips quilt.It will have to wait a while because I have 2 things I have to quilt for April. Maybe I will work on it after that but who knows what will catch my fancy next.

Our group at church is meeting tomorrow and I am going to layer up the Bricks and Steppingstones quilt. I pieced the back today and now, as usual, I am having second thoughts. I think maybe I should have skipped the dotty fabric and used only the music notes with the extra blocks. Too late now.