Saturday, June 30, 2012

Quilt Camp Day 5 2012

We finished up yesterday at Quilt Camp, it was a whirlwind day with everyone working to finish. Everyone had a finished quilt; we count as finished the one that still needs the binding and one that will be quilted on a long arm. We didn't want to rush to do the binding. Joanna will come back to our regular group meeting in 2 weeks and we will help her finish.

This year our additional helpers made it so much easier; I hope they know how much we appreciated them.  I hope they had enough fun to make them eager to do it again next year.

 Friday  Day 5 2012 Quilt Camp

I made this collage in Picasa but I was really trying to make a slide show.  I  am not familiar with Picasa and yesterday wasn't the time to figure it out. I am using it anyway because it shows the quilts a little better than the group pictures. I didn't get as many pictures as I expected because we were spead out over 3 rooms layering and tying. We had a pizza party at lunch time and then the cleanup began even while some of the quilts were being finished. 

All the participants and their quilts

All  the participants and adult helpers minus 2

Two of the adults were not able to be with us on Friday. Beth was driving to Hiltonhead with her sisters and Loi had to go back to work. I know for sure Lori would have had more fun working with us.

So...... another year of QC is over
 and we have a a lot of nice memories that will stay with us.
Everyone received thank you notes
 from the quilters they were assigned to work with.
My thank you notes were very touching;
they made me kind of teary eyed. 

It really has been a good week, 
certainly worth the time and planning that goes into it.
 Some of us are already thinking about next year.

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