I left the small scrap pieces out where I can work on them when the mood strikes. I dumped them all on a tray that is 16 x 20 which makes it easy to look through the scraps and easy to clean up and put back in the box.
I decided that I should only sew 2 or 3 scraps together if these are going to be starters; otherwise they stay small if I continue to add very small pieces.
So..............Here we are, sometimes, something catches my attention and I get caught up in one piece. Instead of continuing to chain piece adding the second or maybe the third scrap I started adding more to one piece and I got a piece that was about 5 x 7 1/2, a bit big for a starter.

I added another piece that didn't go all the way across the seam and I made a cut at that place, then I had 2 pieces and I added on to them.
Now I have one piece that is large enough to cut a 6 inch square or I can keep adding to it to make something that I can cut into shapes. The other piece is more of a starter size and it will be trimmed before I add anything else to it. Maybe I will just add it as is to the starter box.
I was feeling pretty good about cleaning up all the small pieces I had and making them into something more useful as starters for something larger. I found another small container that I been feeding with small pieces. I dumped them on the tray and decided to take a picture of them.

Oh my, this is starting to look like a lot more pieces.
I put a quarter on one scrap as a reference to show the size of the scraps and I moved the tray to a better place to photograph it.
What is in that bag under the tray?
Guess what!
More small scraps. When I cleaned up these were pieces that I didn't deem large enough to sort into color families.
I might be making "made fabric'
for the rest of my life.