Thursday, August 27, 2020

A little Progress

I seem to be busy doing all the daily things that need to be done but never find the time to get any sewing squeezed in. A big part of the problem is that I still have not managed to make my sewing space more used friendly.  I have made a little progress in passing along some things but I am still hanging on to too many things I am never going to get around to using.  Oh well.....................

I did make a trip to the local quilt shop where I found another yard of the fabric I used for my last Framed 9 Patch inner border and binding. I have used a green monochromatic print for narrow inner borders on many quilts with piano key borders. Green always works well with multi fabric quilts especially if there a lot of floral prints. This green fits these two F9P quilts particularly well.  I also ordered some batting and fabric the backing. So I am set to move ahead. 

Today I sewed on piano key border to the green inner border and sewed it the outside edge of the right side quilt section.

This is the entire right section of the quilt, ready to layer up for quilting.

This is a closeup of a section of the piano key border showing where I used a 2 inch left over piece of a strip set after I cut 2 - 5 inch sections. I didn't intend to put it right next to the 5 inch strip but when I realized that was where I placed it I saw it as a good example of how I can use up all the little pieces.

It is also a good example of how things you didn't plan happen when you are interrupted and don't get back to something for a while.

This is the first time I am using the new blogger format after having gone back to the old format for a while. I don't really like it and I guess that is just "too bad".  So..... it's  "get used to it" or move on.  I'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Connie said...

I think your quilt is marvelous, I prefer to not over think my designs and it takes the stress off working for perfection. You are the only person that would ever see that . . . your quilt is beautiful.
I agree with what you said about Blogger, we have no choice by to get used to it.