Saturday, January 28, 2012

Organization and sewing

I have finished organizing in my sewing room and have even gone through all the drawers in my desk. I am disappointed that after almost a month of working at it I have not reclaimed enough space to get rid of one of the shelf units  in my sewing closet. However I do have a bit more shelf space and things are much easier to find.
I tackled the hall closet and that still  needs more work but I did go through all of the stuff in these drawers. I bought these drawer units a long time ago and they were never quite what I wanted but they were the best I could come up with at the time. They work pretty well but waste some space which is at a premium here in our apartment. Nothing was where it belonged  and there was a lot of junk that is now in the trash. Yesterday, I had the contents of these 3 units spread out all over 2 tables and my desk when my daughter called and asked if I was up to having 2 of the great grandsons visit for a while. I put the drawer units back in the closet and everything that was scattered all over for sorting went into a clothes basket in my linen closet. Jack was amazed at how clean the room was in such a short time. The boys played in there with Play-doh for almost 2 hours. Too bad they we were having so much fun I forgot to take pictures.
Today I tackled the drawers again and the clothes basket is empty and the drawers are  labeled with the correct contents.

This week I also worked on our blocks for the BOM for our group at church. I needed to make the 12 inch and 6 inch blocks step by step before I handed out the cutting instructions. As you can see the larger block needs a bit of revision, which will be the second time I had to redo it; the first time I had one of triangle  units going in the wrong direction. The blocks spin in opposite directions on purpose as an illustration  of how it matters where you draw the stitching lines when making 3 piece triangle units.

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